Right Stage Chamber; Swell box #1; 22 stops; 33 ranks; 2,085 pipes.
   59 Major Flute 16 .................. Unit   30" wind   85 pipes
   60 Tibia Rex 8 ................. Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
   61 Hohl Flute 8 ................ Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   62 Flute Overte 8 .............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   63 Wald Flute 4 ................ Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
   65 Harmonic Piccolo 2 .......... Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   66 Cello Pomposa 8 ............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   67 Cello Celeste 8 ............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   68 Violin 8 .................... Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   69 Violin Celeste 8 ............ Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   70 Viola Pomposa 4 ............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
   71 Stentor Diapason 8 .......... Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
   72 Stentor Octave 4 ............ Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
*  73 Tuba Magna 16.................... Unit   50" wind   85 pipes
   74 Trumpet Profunda 16.............. Unit   30" wind   85 pipes
+  75 Tuba Imperial 8 ............. Straight  100" wind   61 pipes
   76 Trumpet Royal 8 ............. Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
   77 English Post Horn 8 ......... Straight   30" wind   61 pipes
*  78 Bugle 8 ..................... Straight   50" wind   61 pipes
   79 Grand Chorus ................ Straight   30" wind  549 pipes
   80 Carillon 17-19-21-22 ........ Straight   30" wind  244 pipes
  104 French Horn 8 ............... Straight   20" wind   61 pipes


      Left Upper chamber; Swell box #9; 21 stops; 36 ranks; 2,376 pipes.
  197 Major Flute 16 .................. Unit   20" wind   85 pipes
  198 Stentor Flute 8 ............. Straight   35" wind   61 pipes
  199 Stentororphone 8 ............ Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  200 Pileata Magna 8 ............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  201 Flute Octaviante 4 .......... Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  202 Recorder 12th 2 2/3 ......... Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  203 Fife 15th 2 ................. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  204 Cymbal 19-22-26-29-33 ....... Straight   20" wind  305 pipes
* 205 Posaune 16 ...................... Unit   50" wind   85 pipes
  206 Bombardon 16 .................... Unit   35" wind   97 pipes
* 207 Harmonic Tuba 8 ................. Unit   50" wind   73 pipes
* 208 Ophicleide 8 ................ Straight   50" wind   61 pipes
  209 Tromba Quint 10 2/3 ............. Unit   20" wind   97 pipes
  210 Tromba Tierce 6 2/5 ............. Unit   20" wind   73 pipes
* 211 Major Clarion 4 ............. Straight   50" wind   61 pipes
  212 Stentor Mixture ............. Straight   35" wind  427 pipes
  299 Trombone 32 ..................... Unit   35" wind   97 pipes
  304 Gamba Tuba 8 ................ Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  305 Gamba Tuba Celeste 8 ........ Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  306 Gamba Clarion 4 ............. Straight   20" wind   61 pipes
  307 Harmonic Mixture ............ Straight   20" wind  366 pipes


      Right Upper chamber; Swell box #8; 23 stops; 27 ranks; 1,910 pipes.
  213 Gamba 16 ........................ Unit   15" wind   85 pipes
  214 Spire Flute 16 .................. Unit   15" wind  109 pipes
  215 Diapason 8 .................. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  216 Spitz Flute 8 ............... Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  217 Flute Celeste 1 8 ........... Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  218 Flute Celeste 2 8 ............... Unit   15" wind   89 pipes
  219 Wald Horn 8 ................. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  220 Clarabella 16 ................... Unit   15" wind   97 pipes
  221 Tibia Mollis 8 .............. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  222 Flute Sylvestre 8 ........... Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  223 Flute Celeste 8 ............. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  224 Rohr Flute 4 ................ Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  225 Mixture Aetheria ............ Straight   15" wind  366 pipes
  226 Bassoon 16 ...................... Unit   15" wind   85 pipes
  227 Chalumeau 16 .................... Unit   15" wind   85 pipes
  228 Trumpet Minor 8 ............. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  229 Cor d'Amour 8 ............... Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  230 Vox Humana II 16 ................ Unit   15" wind   85 pipes
  231 Tuba d'Amour 16 ................. Unit   25" wind   85 pipes
  232 Chimes 8 (25 notes) ......... Straight
  298 Violone 32 ...................... Unit   25" wind   97 pipes
  303 Vox Humana I 8 .............. Straight   15" wind   61 pipes
  319 Viol Celeste 8 (to FF) ...... Straight   25" wind   56 pipes


Continue on to the Gallery I, II, III, IV and Brass Chorus Organs