The following pipe numbers are only estimates based upon (a) known information about the number of pipes in some ranks and (b) what would seem logical; having regard for extended manual compasses, octave couplers, each stop's available pitches, etc. These figures accord broadly with the numbers given in the instrument's contracts and in respected disertations on the subject (such as David Junchen's Encyclopaedia of the Theater Organ). For some stops, however, it has been impossible to arrive at a figure based on these criteria, so the 'offical' number has been indicated. The total number of pipes given here is 33,183.
The instrument's 336 stops are listed below. Each stop's identification number is shown to the left of its name and, on the right, is its lowest pitch. Stops with a number higher than 297 were additions, made as construction progressed. The 64-foot octave of stop #17, the Pedal Right's Dulzian, is composed of Diaphone pipes (this stop was originally specified for the Pedal Left department)
Stops voiced on 100-inch wind pressure are marked +, whilst 50-inch stops are indicated by *.
On the seven-manual console, these 21 organs are derived to create 29 departments (nine main, six ancillary, eight floating, and six others). The main departments (M) provide the instrument's choruses and their voices are, on the whole, straight. Conversely, most of the ancillary departments (A) have extended stops, but the floating departments (F) are also mainly straight. The remaining departments are, generally, comprised of stops borrowed from one or more of the other department types.
Pedal Right ........ M Great .............. M Echo ............... M Pedal Left ......... M Great-Solo ......... A Pedal Right Gallery Grand Great ........ A Gallery I .......... F Pedal Left Gallery Great Second Touch Gallery II ......... F Pedal Percussion Gallery III ........ F Pedal Second Touch Swell .............. M Gallery IV ......... F Swell-Choir ........ A Unenclosed Choir ... M Brass Chorus ....... F Choir .............. M Solo ............... M Choir-Swell ........ A Solo-Great ......... A String I ........... F Grand Choir ........ A String II .......... F Choir Second Touch Fanfare ............ M String III ......... F
The Great-Solo department (on the Great manual) is duplexed, stop-key for stop-key, to the Solo keyboard from where it is playable as the Solo-Great. Similarly, the Swell-Choir is also available on the Choir manual as the Choir-Swell. The Solo-Great, Swell-Choir, Great-Solo, and Choir-Swell departments form the basis of a four-manual theatre organ. The Gallery Pedal sections are derived from manual stops in the Forward, Center, and Upper chambers.
The Grand Choir's registers are all derived from specially extended Pedal Left ranks and are playable throughout the Choir manual's seven-octave compass. In common with the other manual departments, each stop-key on the Grand Choir indicates the pitch of its register at the CC key. However, because the Choir manual's keys extend down to CCC, pipes which have a longer speaking length than that engraved on the stop-keys will sound when any of the 12 lowest keys are played. The same principles apply to the Grand Great department; the registers of which are derived mainly from Pedal Right stops.