Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Society
Stop List of the Midmer-Losh Organ's Seven-Manual Console
with notes by ACCHOS President Stephen D. Smith
This is the home of two of the instrument's most famous stops, i.e. the Grand Ophicleide on 100 inches of wind and the full-length 64-foot Dulzian, which has diaphone pipes for its 22 lowest notes. The Pedal is the instrument's largest department. Its various sections have a total of 182 speaking registers, including a substantial number of borrowed manual stops.
17 Diaphone 64 35"from Dulzian
21 Sub Principal 32 20"from Sub Principal, Great
1 Contra Tibia Clausa 32 20"extended
1 Tibia Quint 211/3 20"ext. Tibia Clausa
2 Diaphone Phonon 16 50"extended
4 Principal 16 30"extended
21 Diapason 16 20"from Sub Principal, Great
22 Diapason 16 20"from Double Diapason I, Great
82 Geigen Diapason 16 15"from Geigen Diapason, Great-Solo
3 Tibia Major 16 30"extended
59 Major Flute 16 30"from Major Flute, Solo
81 Wald Flute 16 15"from Wald Flute, Great-Solo
1 Grand Bourdon 16 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
83 Tibia Clausa 16 15"from Tibia Clausa, Great-Solo
5 Viol 16 30"extended
6 Gross Tierce 124/5 20"extended
2 Diaphone Quint 102/3 50"ext. Diaphone Phonon
4 Principal Quint 102/3 30"ext. Principal
3 Tibia Quint 102/3 30"ext. Tibia Major
1 Tibia Quint 102/3 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
83 Quint Minor 102/3 15"from Tibia Clausa, Great-Solo
7 Septieme 91/7 20"extended
4 Octave Principal 8 30"ext. Principal
22 Octave Major 8 20"from Double Diapason I, Great
85 Octave Diapason 8 15"from Horn Diapason, Great-Solo
82 Octave Geigen 8 15"from Geigen Diapason, Great-Solo
87 Gross Gemshorn 8 15"from Gemshorn, Great-Solo
3 Tibia Major 8 30"ext. Tibia Major
1 Tibia Clausa 8 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
86 Doppel Gedeckt 8 15"from Doppel Gedeckt, Great-Solo
5 Viol 8 30"ext. Viol
6 Gross Tierce 62/5 20"ext. Gross Tierce
4 Principal Quint 51/3 30"ext. Principal
3 Tibia Quint 51/3 30"ext. Tibia Major
1 Tibia Quint 51/3 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
7 Gross Septieme 44/7 20"ext. Septieme
4 Super Octave 4 30"ext. Principal
85 Fifteenth 4 15"from Horn Diapason, Great-Solo
3 Tibia Fifteenth 4 30"ext. Tibia Major
1 Flute Fifteenth 4 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
5 Viol Fifteenth 4 30"ext. Viol
6 Tierce 31/5 20"ext. Gross Tierce
3 Tibia Nineteenth 22/3 30"ext. Tibia Major
1 Flute Nineteenth 22/3 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
5 Viol Nineteenth 22/3 30"ext. Viol
7 Septieme 22/7 20"ext. Septieme
3 Tibia Twenty-Second 2 30"ext. Tibia Major
81 Flageolet 2 15"from Wald Flute, Great-Solo
6 Octave Tierce 13/5 20"ext. Gross Tierce
1 Tibia Twenty-Sixth 11/3 30"ext. Tibia Major
7 Octave Septieme 11/7 20"ext. Septieme
1 Flute Twenty-Ninth 1 20"ext. Contra Tibia Clausa
Mixture XI 15"from various Great-Solo ranks
Reed Mixture V 15"from various Great-Solo ranks
17 Dulzian 64 35"ext. Dulzian
17 Contra Dulz Quint 422/3 35"ext. Dulzian
8 Contra Bombardon 32 35"ext. Bombardon
17 Contra Dulzian 32 35"ext. Dulzian
17 Dulzian Quint 211/3 35"ext. Dulzian
9 Grand Ophicleide 16 100"extended
73 Tuba Magna 16 50"from Tuba Magna, Solo
8 Bombardon 16 35"extended
74 Trumpet Profunda 16 30"from Trumpet Profunda, Solo
17 Dulzian 16 35"extended
10 Trumpet 16 20"extended
96 Saxophone 16 15"from Saxophone, Great-Solo
98 French Horn 16 15"from French Horn, Great-Solo
97 English Horn 16 15"from English Horn, Great-Solo
95 Oboe Horn 16 15"from Oboe Horn, Great-Solo
100 Krummhorn 16 15"from Krummhorn, Great-Solo
99 Vox Baryton 16 15"from Vox Baryton, Great-Solo
8 Bombard Quint 102/3 35"ext. Bombardon
17 Dulzian Quint 102/3 35"ext. Dulzian
9 Ophicleide 8 100"ext. Grand Ophicleide
78 Bugle 8 50"from Bugle, Solo
8 Octave Bombardon 8 35"ext. Bombardon
17 Octave Dulzian 8 35"ext. Dulzian
100 Krummhorn 8 15"from Krummhorn, Great-Solo
99 Vox Baryton 8 15"from Vox Baryton, Great-Solo
8 Bombardon Quint 51/3 35"ext. Bombardon
10 Trumpet Quint 51/3 20"ext. Trumpet
17 Dulzian Fifteenth 4 35"ext. Dulzian
10 Trumpet Fifteenth 4 10"ext. Trumpet

Among the notable stops in this section are two 32-foots (Diaphone and Bombard) on 50-inch wind pressure. The Pedal organ's only two straight stops (Major Diapason 16 and the seven-rank Stentor Sesquialtera) are also to be found here. As with the Pedal Right, most of the manual doubles in the vicinity are duplexed to this section. Only five manual doubles are not available on the Pedal which, in total, has 66 16-foot registers.
11 Diaphone 32 50"ext. Diaphone
12 Diapason 32 20"ext. Diapason
11 Diaphone 16 50"extended
13 Diaphonic Diapason 16 35"extended
320 Major Diapason 16 20"
12 Diapason 16 20"extended
117 Diapason 16 15"from Double Diapason, Swell
15 Tibia Clausa 16 20"extended
147 Doppel Gedeckt 16 15"from Doppel Gedeckt, Swell-Choir
311 Stopped Diapason 16 10"from Stopped Diapason, Swell-Choir
14 Bass Viol 16 20"extended
254 Bass Viol 16 25"from Contra Basso, String I
131 Bass Gamba 16 15"from Contra Gamba, Swell
148 Cone Gamba 16 15"from Cone Gamba, Swell-Choir
12 Diapason Quint 102/3 10"ext. Diapason
311 Stopped Quint 102/3 10"from Stopped Diapason, Swell-Choir
148 Cone Quint 102/3 15"from Cone Gamba, Swell-Choir
11 Octave Diaphone 8 50"ext. Diahone
13 Octave Phonon 8 35"ext. Diaphonic Diapason
15 Gross Flute 8 20"ext. Tibia Clausa
152 Octave Gemshorn 8 15"from Gemshorn, Swell-Choir
149 Clarabella 8 15"from Clarabella, Swell-Choir
14 Cello 8 20"ext. Bass Viol
155 Tenth 62/5 10"from Third, Swell-Choir
155 Twelfth 51/3 10"from Fifth, Swell-Choir
155 Fourteenth 44/7 10"from Seventh, Swell-Choir
11 Fifteenth 4 50"ext. Diaphone
12 Super Octave 4 20"ext. Diapason
152 Gemshorn Fifteenth 4 15"from Gemshorn, Swell-Choir
15 Flute Fifteenth 4 20"ext. Tibia Clausa
155 Seventeenth 31/5 10"from Third, Swell-Choir
155 Nineteenth 22/3 10"from Fifth, Swell-Choir
155 Twenty-First 22/7 10"from Seventh, Swell-Choir
12 Twenty-Second 2 20"ext. Diapason
152 Gemshorn Twenty-Second 2 15"from Gemshorn, Swell-Choir
15 Twenty-Second 2 20"ext. Tibia Clausa
15 Twenty-Ninth 1 20"ext. Tibia Clausa
16 Stentor Sesquialtera VII 20"
Grave Mixture VI 15"from various Swell-Choir ranks
18 Contra Bombard 32 50"ext. Bombard
19 Fagotto 32 20"ext. Fagotto
20 Major Posaune 16 50"extended
18 Bombard 16 50"extended
138 Trumpet 16 30"from Double Trumpet, Swell
142 Horn 16 15"from Double Horn, Swell
19 Fagotto 16 20"extended
160 Oboe 16 15"from Oboe, Swell-Choir
161 Clarinet 16 15"from Clarinet, Swell-Choir
162 Vox Humana 16 15"from Vox Humana, Swell-Choir
20 Major Posaune 8 50"ext. Major Posaune
18 Octave Bombard 8 50"ext. Bombard
19 Octave Fagotto 8 20"ext. Fagotto
160 Octave Oboe 8 15"from Oboe, Swell-Choir
161 Octave Clarinet 8 15"from Clarinet, Swell-Choir
19 Horn Twelfth 51/3 20"ext. Fagotto
18 Bombard Fifteenth 4 50"ext. Bombard
19 Horn Fifteenth 4 20"ext. Fagotto
160 Oboe Fifteenth 4 15"from Oboe, Swell-Choir
19 Horn Nineteenth 22/3 20"ext. Fagotto
19 Fagotto Twenty-Second 2 20"ext. Fagotto

The Pedal's Gallery sections have no stops of their own but consist of registers derived from local manual departments. The majority of the Right Gallery's voices are from the Echo but stops from local String and Gallery organs are also available, including the 100-inch Trumpet Sonora 16.
298 Contra Violone 32 25"from Violone, Echo
233 Diaphone 16 25"from Diaphone, Gallery I
242 Flute Maggiore 16 25"from Flauto Maggiore, Gallery II
214 Spire Flute 16 15"from Spire Flute, Echo
220 Bourdon 16 15"from Clarabella, Echo
298 Contra Violone 16 25"from Violone, Echo
265 Double Bass 16 15"from Double Bass, String II
266 Contra Bass 16 15"from Contra Bass, String II
267 Contra Viole 16 15"from Contra Viole, String II
213 Contra Gamba 16 15"from Gamba, Echo
220 Flute Quint 102/3 15"from Clarabella, Echo
298 Violone 8 25"from Violone, Echo
298 Violone 4 25"from Violone, Echo
235 Trumpet Sonora 16 100"from Trumpet Mirabilis, Gallery I
231 Tuba d'Amour 16 25"from Tuba d'Amour, Echo
226 Contra Bassoon 16 15"from Bassoon, Echo
227 Chalumeau 16 15"from Clarinet, Echo
230 Vox Humana 16 15"from Vox Humana II, Echo
226 Bassoon 8 15"from Bassoon, Echo

Most of the registers here are borrowed from the Fanfare which, like the Echo organ opposite, is situated high-up the room's ceiling. The reed section includes a interesting array of mutations. Stops from the local Gallery organs and from the enclosed Choir are also available.
236 Grand Diapason 16 20"from Contra Diapason, Gallery III
171 Dulciana 16 10"from Dulciana, Choir
197 Major Flauto 16 20from Major Flute, Fanfare
176 Double Melodia 16 10"from Melodia, Choir
176 Melodia 8 10"from Melodia, Choir
299 Contra Trombone 32 35"from Trombone, Fanfare
205 Posaune 16 50"from Posaune, Fanfare
299 Trombone 16 35"from Trombone, Fanfare
206 Bombardon 16 35"from Bombardon, Fanfare
188 Trombone 16 25"from Contra Tromba, Choir
249 Saxophone 16 25"from Saxophone, Gallery IV
209 Tromba Quint 102/3 20"from Tromba Quint, Fanfare
299 Trombone 8 35"from Trombone, Fanfare
188 Tromba 8 25"from Contra Tromba, Choir
210 Tromba Tierce 62/5 20"from Tromba Tierce, Fanfare
209 Tromba Quint 51/3 20"from Tromba Quint, Fanfare
210 Tromba Seventeenth 31/5 20"from Tromba Tierce, Fanfare

The instrument's Percussion section was originally to be enclosed in its own swell box. In the event, it ended-up unenclosed. All stops are housed in the Right Stage chamber, except for the Piano - which is accommodated in the Left Center (Gallery) chamber.
A Grand Piano 16 from Percussion
A Grand Piano 8 from Percussion
108 Chimes 8 from Great-Solo
B Contra Drum Strike FF from Percussion
B Contra Drum Roll FF from Percussion
B Contra Drum Strike MP from Percussion
B Contra Drum Roll MP from Percussion
C Bass Drum Strike from Percussion
C Bass Drum Roll from Percussion
C Bass Drum Strike from Percussion
C Bass Drum Roll from Percussion
D Bass Drum Strike from Percussion
D Bass Drum Roll from Percussion
F,G Snare Drums Roll from Percussion
E Snare Drum Roll from Percussion
I Chinese Gong Strike from Percussion
I Chinese Gong Roll from Percussion
J Persian Cymbal from Percussion
K Persian Cymbal from Percussion
H Cymbal from Percussion

Pedal Divide
Choir to Pedal 8
Choir to Pedal 4
Great to Pedal 8
Great to Pedal 4
Swell to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 4
Solo to Pedal 8
Solo to Pedal 4
Fanfare to Pedal 8
Fanfare to Pedal 4
Echo to Pedal 8
Gallery I to Pedal
Gallery II to Pedal
Gallery III to Pedal
Gallery IV to Pedal
Brass Chorus to Pedal
String I to Pedal
String II to Pedal
String III to Pedal

17 Diaphone 64 35"from Dulzian, Pedal Right
11 Diaphone 32 50"from Diaphone, Pedal Left
13 Diaphonic Diapason 16 35"from Diaphonic Diapason, Pedal Left
3 Tibia Major 16 30"from Tibia Major, Pedal Right
5 Contra Viol 16 30"from Viol, Pedal Right
3 Tibia Major 8 30"from Tibia Major, Pedal Right
5 Viol 8 30"from Viol, Pedal Right
3 Tibia Major 4 30"from Tibia Major, Pedal Right
5 Viol 4 30"from Viol, Pedal Right
17 Dulzian 64 35"from Dulzian, Pedal Right
18 Contra Bombard 32 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
8 Contra Bombardon 32 35"from Bombard, Pedal Right
9 Ophicleide 16 100"from Grand Ophicleide, Pedal Right
20 Posaune 16 50"from Major Posaune, Pedal Left
18 Bombard 16 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
8 Bombardon 16 35"from Bombardon, Pedal Right
9 Ophicleide 8 100"from Grand Ophicleide, Pedal Right
20 Posaune 8 50"from Major Posaune, Pedal Left
8 Bombardon 8 35"from Bombardon, Pedal Right
17 Dulzian 8 35"from Dulzian, Pedal Right
18 Bombard 4 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
17 Dulzian 4 35"from Dulzian, Pedal Right
108 Chimes 8 from Great-Solo
B Contra Drum Strike FF from Percussion
B Contra Drum Roll FF from Percussion
C Bass Drum Strike FF from Percussion
C Bass Drum Roll FF from Percussion
D Bass Drum Strike FF from Percussion
F,G Snare Drums Roll FF from Percussion
E Snare Drum Strike FF from Percussion
E Snare Drum Roll FF from Percussion
J,K Persian Cymbals from Percussion
H Cymbals from Percussion
Fanfare to Pedal 8
Gallery I to Pedal
Gallery III to Pedal
Brass Chorus to Choir
String I to Pedal
String II to Pedal
Although this is one of the instrument's smallest departments, it is also one of the most important. Richards designed it "to reproduce the old-fashioned 'little great' ... a homogeneous ensemble similar to the Silberman organ familiar to Bach." Richards believed North American organs were tonally deficient, lacking "the blaze of color that Bach had at his disposal two centuries ago". By providing it alongside the more usual enclosed Choir organ, he was attempting to bring about change through evolution rather than revolution.
165 Quintaton 16 31/2"
166 Diapason 8 31/2"
167 Holz Flute 8 31/2"
168 Octave 4 31/2"
169 Fifteenth 2 31/2"
170 Rausch Quint 12–15 II 31/2"
170 Scharf Mixture 19–22 II 31/2"

CHOIR - Manual 1
Richards was of the opinion that the Choir organ in the USA had become a "depository for all the fancy stops and organists' pets that cannot be conveniently distributed to other manuals. Both builders and organists will tell us that the Choir is an accompanimental organ...", adding, "there is nothing accompanimental about a clarinet or French horn...". Despite these words being written a few years before he started designing the Auditorium organ, the enclosed Choir contains all those things he rails against. Nevertheless, by doing this, he was catering for the traditionalists as well as for those who sought a new style in the form of the Unenclosed Choir.
171 Contra Dulciana 16 10"ext. Dulciana
176 Contra Melodia 16 10"ext. Melodia
172 Diapason I 8 10"
173 Diapason II 8 10"
171 Dulciana 8 10"extended
174 Dulciana Celeste 8 10"
184 Gemshorn 8 10"
185 Gemshorn Celeste 8 10"
176 Melodia 8 10"extended
177 Philomela 8 10"
178 Concert Flute 8 10"
179 Unda Maris 8 10"
308 Nachthorn 8 10"
186 Viola Pomposa 8 10"
187 Viola Celeste 8 10"
310 Voix Celeste (2 ranks) 8 10"
171 Dulzquint 51/3 10"ext. Dulciana
175 Dolce 4 10"extended
180 Spindle Flute 4 10"
181 Flute Overte 4 10"
309 Fugara 4 10"
175 Dulzard Twelfth 22/3 10"ext. Dolce
176 Melodia Twelfth 22/3 10"ext. Melodia
182 Flageolet 2 10"
175 Dulcett Fifteenth 2 10"ext. Dolce
176 Melodia Fifteenth 2 10"ext. Melodia
175 Dulce Nineteenth 11/3 10"ext. Dolce
175 Dulcinett Twenty-Second 1 10"ext. Dolce
183 Flute Mixture 15–17 III 10"
196 Acuta 19–31 VI 10"
188 Contra Tomba 16 25"extended
189 Tromba Real 8 25"
190 Brass Cornet 8 25"
191 French Horn 8 10"
192 Clarinet 8 10"
193 Bassett Horn 8 10"
194 Cor Anglais 8 10"
195 Kinura 8 10"
188 Tromba Clarion 4 25"ext. Contra Tromba
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Great to Choir 8
Swell to Choir 8
Swell to Choir 4
Solo to Choir 8
Solo to Choir 4
Fanfare to Choir 8
Echo to Choir 8
Gallery I to Choir
Gallery II to Choir
Gallery III to Choir
Gallery IV to Choir
Brass Chorus to Choir
String I to Choir
String II to Choir
String III to Choir

CHOIR-SWELL - Manual 1
147 Gross Gedeckt 16 15"from Swell-Choir
311 Stopped Diapason 16 10"from Swell-Choir
148 Cone Gamba 16 15"from Swell-Choir
152 Gemshorn 8 15"from Swell-Choir
153 Gemshorn Celeste I 8 15"from Swell-Choir
154 Gemshorn Celeste II 8 15"from Swell-Choir
149 Clarabella 8 15"from Swell-Choir
150 Doppel Spitz Flute 8 10"from Swell-Choir
147 Doppel Gedeckt 8 15"from Swell-Choir
311 Stopped Diapason 8 10"from Swell-Choir
148 Cone Gamba 8 15"from Swell-Choir
155 Third 62/5 10"from Swell-Choir
156 Fifth 51/3 10"from Swell-Choir
153 Gemshorn Quint 51/3 15"from Swell-Choir
148 Gamba Quint 51/3 15"from Swell-Choir
157 Seventh 44/7 10"from Swell-Choir
152 Octave Gemshorn 4 15"from Swell-Choir
149 Claribel Flute 4 15"from Swell-Choir
150 Spitz Flute 4 10"from Swell-Choir
147 Doppel Flute 4 15"from Swell-Choir
311 Stopped Flute 4 10"from Swell-Choir
151 Zauber Flute 4 15"from Swell-Choir
148 Cone Flute 4 15"from Swell-Choir
158 Ninth 35/9 10"from Swell-Choir
155 Major Tenth 31/5 10"from Swell-Choir
154 Gemshorn Tenth 31/5 15"from Swell-Choir
159 Eleventh 210/11 10"from Swell-Choir
153 Gemshorn Twelfth 22/3 15"from Swell-Choir
156 Twelfth 22/3 10"from Swell-Choir
149 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"from Swell-Choir
311 Stopped Flute Twelfth 22/3 10"from Swell-Choir
157 Octave Septieme 22/7 10"from Swell-Choir
152 Gemshorn Fifteenth 2 15"from Swell-Choir
150 Flute Fifteenth 2 10"from Swell-Choir
151 Magic Flute 2 15"from Swell-Choir
158 Sixteenth 17/9 10"from Swell-Choir
155 Major Seventeenth 13/5 10"from Swell-Choir
154 Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5 15"from Swell-Choir
159 Eighteenth 15/11 10"from Swell-Choir
156 Major Nineteenth 11/3 10"from Swell-Choir
153 Gemshorn Nineteenth 11/3 15"from Swell-Choir
157 Twenty-First 11/7 10"from Swell-Choir
152 Twenty-Second 1 15"from Swell-Choir
151 Zauber Twenty-Second 1 15"from Swell-Choir
158 Twenty-Third 8/9 10"from Swell-Choir
155 Twenty-Fourth 4/5 10"from Swell-Choir
159 Twenty-Fifth 8/11 10"from Swell-Choir
156 Twenty-Sixth 2/3 10"from Swell-Choir
152 Twenty-Ninth 1/2 15"from Swell-Choir
152 Thirty-Sixth 1/4 15"from Swell-Choir
19 Fagotto 32 20"from Fagotto, Pedal Left
160 Contra Oboe 16 15"from Swell-Choir
161 Bass Clarinet 16 15"from Swell-Choir
162 Bass Vox Humana 16 15"from Swell-Choir
160 Oboe 8 15"from Swell-Choir
161 Clarinet 8 15"from Swell-Choir
162 Vox Humana 8 15"from Swell-Choir
160 Octave Oboe 4 15"from Swell-Choir
161 Octave Clarinet 4 15"from Swell-Choir
162 Vox Humana 4 15"from Swell-Choir
163 Marimba Harp Repeat 8 from Swell-Choir
163 Marimba Harp Stroke 8 from Swell-Choir
164 Glockenspiel Repeat 4 from Swell-Choir
164 Glockenspiel Single 4 from Swell-Choir
164 Glockenspiel Single 2 from Swell-Choir
F,G Snare Drums Roll from Percussion
F,G Snare Drums Tap from Percussion
E Snare Drum Roll from Percussion
E Snare Drum Tap from Percussion
P Tom-Tom from Percussion
O Wood Block from Percussion
M Castinets from Percussion
N Triangle from Percussion

GRAND CHOIR - Manual 1
These registers are derived from Pedal Left stops and are playable throughout the Choir manual's seven-octave compass. In common with other manual departments, each stop-key indicates the pitch of its register at the CC key. However, because the Choir manual extends down to CCC, pipes with a longer speaking length than that engraved on the stop-keys will sound when any of the 12 lowest keys are played.
11 Diaphone 16 50"from Diaphone, Pedal Left
11 Diaphone Melody What's this? 16 50"from Diaphone, Pedal Left
11 Diaphone 8 50"from Diaphone, Pedal Left
12 Diapason 8 20"from Diapason, Pedal Left
13 Diaphonic Diapason 8 35"from Diaphonic Diapason, Pedal Left
15 Tibia Clausa 8 20"from Tibia Clausa, Pedal Left
14 Violoncello 8 20"from Bass Viol, Pedal Left
18 Bombard 16 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
19 Fagotto 16 20"from Fagotto, Pedal Left
20 Major Posaune 8 50"from Major Posaune, Pedal Left
18 Bombard 8 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
11 Bombard Melody What's this? 4 50"from Bombard, Pedal Left
19 Chalumeau 8 20"from Fagotto, Pedal Left
19 Octave Oboe 4 20"from Fagotto, Pedal Left
Grand Choir On

265 Double Bass 16 15"from Double Bass, String II
266 Contra Bass 16 15"from Contra Bass, String II
267 Contra Viol 16 15"from Contra Viol, String II
265 Viola 8 15"from Double Bass, String II
266 Violoncello 8 15"from Contra Bass, String II
267 Violoncello 8 15"from Contra Viol, String II
266 Violoncello 4 15"from Contra Bass, String II
267 Violoncello 4 15"from Contra Viol, String II
Fanfare to Choir 8
Gallery I to Choir
String I to Choir
String II to Choir
GREAT - Manual 2
This immense department - the instrument's largest, in terms of pipes - consists of three reed ranks (16-8-4), three flutes (8-8-4), and 57 principals (including two extended ranks). A total of 4,647 pipes! There are diapason choruses on 30, 20, 15, 10, and 4 inches of wind. Many ranks have double languid pipes to increase brightness. The reeds can be supplemented by coupling the floating Brass Chorus, which is located nearby.
21 Sub Principal 32 20"extended
22 Double Diapason I 16 20"extended
23 Double Diapason II 16 15"
24 Double Diapason III 16 10"
25 Sub Quint 102/3 15"
26 Diapason I 8 30"
27 Diapason II 8 30"
28 Diapason III 8 20"
21 Principal 8 20"ext. Sub Principal
29 Diapason IV 8 15"
30 Diapason V 8 15"
31 Diapason VI 8 15"
32 Diapason VII 8 10"
33 Diapason VIII 8 10"
34 Diapason IX 8 10"
35 Diapason X 8 4"
53 Harmonic Flute 8 15"
54 Flute Overte 8 4"
36 Quint 51/3 20"
37 Octave I 4 20"
38 Octave II 4 20"
22 Octave Diapason 4 20"ext. Double Diapason I
39 Octave III 4 15"
40 Octave IV 4 10"
41 Octave V 4 10"
55 Harmonic Flute 4 15"
42 Gross Tierce 31/5 20"
43 Major Twelfth 22/3 20"
44 Fifteenth I 2 20"
21 Super Principal 2 20"ext. Sub Principal
45 Fifteenth II 2 15"
46 Fifteenth III 2 10"
47 Rausch Quint 5–8 II 30"
48 Rausch Quint 12–15 II 30"
49 Grand Cornet 05–22 XI 20"
50 Major Sesquialtera 10–22 V 20"
51 Schulze Mixture 12–26 V 4"
52 Furniture 17–36 VI 15"
49 Scharf Mixture 17–22 III 20"from Grand Cornet
51 Doublette Mixture 22–26 II 4"from Schulze Mixture
56 Trumpet 16 30"
57 Harmonic Trumpet 8 30"
58 Harmonic Clarion 4 30"
F,G Snare Drums Roll from Percussion
F,G Snare Drums Tap from Percussion
E Snare Drum Roll from Percussion
E Snare Drum Tap from Percussion
P Tom-Tom from Percussion
O Wood Block Roll from Percussion
O Wood Block Stroke from Percussion
M Castinets from Percussion
L Tambourine from Percussion
N Triangle from Percussion
Choir to Great 16
Choir to Great 8
Choir to Great 4
Swell to Great 16
Swell to Great 8
Swell to Great 4
Solo to Great 8
Solo to Great 4
Fanfare to Great 8
Fanfare to Great 4
Echo to Great 16
Echo to Great 8
Echo to Great 4
Gallery I to Great
Gallery II to Great
Gallery III to Great
Gallery IV to Great
Brass Chorus to Great
String I to Great
String II to Great
String III to Great

GREAT-SOLO - Manual 2
The flue and reed sections of this department are enclosed in their own, independently-controlable swell boxes. The reed section includes a Flute Twelfth that was originally on the Solo organ (it was swapped with a French Horn). The Great-Solo's registers are duplexed, stop-key for stop-key, to the Solo manual, where it is known as the Solo-Great.
82 Geigen Principal 16 15"ext. Geigen Principal
81 Wald Flute 16 15"ext. Wald Flute
83 Tibia Clausa 16 15"ext. Tibia Clausa
81 Wald Quint 102/3 15"ext. Wald Flute
83 Tibia Quint 102/3 15"ext. Tibia Clausa
84 Diapason Phonon 8 15"extended
85 Horn Diapason 8 15"extended
82 Geigen Principal 8 15"extended
87 Gemshorn 8 15"extended
88 Gemshorn Celeste 8 15"extended
81 Wald Flute 8 15"extended
86 Doppel Gedeckt 8 15"extended
83 Tibia Clausa 8 15"extended
89 Viola d'Gamba 8 15"extended
90 Vox Celeste 8 15"extended
91 Gemshorn Terz 62/5 15"extended
92 Gemshorn Quint 51/3 15"extended
81 Wald Quint 51/3 15"ext. Wald Flute
93 Gemshorn Septieme 44/7 15"extended
84 Octave Phonon 4 15"ext. Diapason Phonon
85 Octave 4 15"ext. Horn Diapason
82 Geigen Principal 4 15"ext. Geigen Principal
87 Gemshorn 4 15"ext. Gemshorn
88 Gemshorn Celeste 4 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste
81 Wald Flute 4 15"ext. Wald Flute
86 Doppel Gedeckt 4 15"ext. Doppel Gedeckt
83 Tibia Clausa 4 15"ext. Tibia Clausa
89 Viola d'Gamba 4 15"ext. Viola d'Gamba
90 Vox Celeste 4 15"ext. Vox Celeste
88 Gemshorn Tenth 31/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste
91 Tenth 31/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Terz
92 Twelfth 22/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Quint
81 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"ext. Wald Flute
83 Minor Twelfth 22/3 15"ext. Tibia Clausa
93 Octave Septieme 22/7 15"ext. Gemshorn Septieme
85 Fifteenth 2 15"ext. Horn Diapason
82 Geigen Fifteenth 2 15"ext. Geigen Principal
87 Gemshorn Fifteenth 2 15"ext. Gemshorn
81 Piccolo 2 15"ext. Wald Flute
88 Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste
91 Seventeenth 13/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Terz
92 Nineteenth 11/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Quint
93 Twenty-First 11/7 15"ext. Gemshorn Septieme
87 Gemshorn 1 15"ext. Gemshorn
91 Twenty-Fourth 4/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Terz
92 Twenty-Sixth 2/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Quint
87 Twenty-Ninth 1/2 15"ext. Gemshorn
87 Thirty-Sixth 1/4 15"ext. Gemshorn
96 Saxophone 16 15"ext. Saxophone
98 French Horn 16 15"ext. French Horn
97 English Horn 16 15"ext. English Horn
95 Oboe Horn 16 15"ext. Oboe Horn
100 Krummhorn 16 15"ext. Krummhorn
99 Vox Baryton 16 15"extended
102 Orchestral Saxophone 8 15"
96 Saxophone 8 15"extended
101 Clarinet 8 15"
98 French Horn 8 15"extended
97 English Horn 8 15"extended
95 Oboe Horn 8 15"extended
103 Orchestral Oboe 8 15"
100 Krummhorn 8 15"extended
105 Vox Humana 8 15"extended
99 Vox Humana 8 15"ext. Vox Baryton
106 Kinura 8 15"
96 Saxophone 4 15"ext. Saxophone
98 French Horn 4 15"ext. French Horn
97 English Horn 4 15"ext. English Horn
95 Octave Horn 4 15"ext. Oboe Horn
100 Krummhorn 4 15"ext. Krummhorn
105 Vox Humana 4 15"ext. Vox Humana
64 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"
108 Chimes 8
107 Harp 8 from Harp
107 Harp 4 from Harp
94 Xylophone 4 from Xylophone
94 Xylophone 2 from Xylophone

GRAND GREAT - Manual 2
This department is designed "to broaden the tonal effect" on the Auditorium's right side - as the Grand Choir does for the Left side. It registers - which will only sound when the Grand Great On stop-key has been operated - are derived mainly from Pedal Right ranks and are playable throughout the Great manual's seven-octave compass.
4 Principal 8 30"from Principal, Pedal Right
3 Tibia Major 8 30"from Tibia Major, Pedal Right
3 Tibia Melody What's this? 4 30"from Tibia Major, Pedal Right
1 Tibia Clausa 8 20"from Tibia Clausa, Pedal Right
5 Viol 8 30"from Viol, Pedal Right
5 Viol Melody What's this? 4 30"from Viol, Pedal Right
21 Octave 4 20"from Sub Principal, Great
4 Super Octave 2 30"from Principal, Pedal Right
17 Dulzian 32 35"from Dulzian, Pedal Right
8 Trombone 16 35"from Bombardon, Pedal Right
8 Trombone Melody What's this? 8 35"from Bombardon, Pedal Right
9 Ophicleide 8 100"from Grand Ophicleide, Pedal Right
10 Trumpet 8 20"from Trumpet, Pedal Right
10 Clarion 4 20"from Trumpet, Pedal Right
10 Clarion Melody What's this? 4 20"from Trumpet, Pedal Right
Grand Great On

254 Viol Phonon 8 25"from Contra Basso, String I
265 Violoncello 8 15"from Double Bass, String II
266 Viol 8 15"from Contra Bass, String II
267 Viol 8 15"from Contra Viol, String II
108 Chimes 8 from Great-Solo
E,F,G Muffled Drums from Percussion
Solo to Great 8
Solo to Great 4
Fanfare to Great 8
Gallery I to Great
Brass Chorus to Great
String I to Great
String II to Great
SWELL - Manual 3
The Swell is of fairly conventional design, if somewhat larger than usual. It consists of a number of stop families, i.e. principals (16-foot to mixtures), two reed choruses (high and low pressure), strings (16-8-8-8-8-8-4-4), and flutes (from 8-foot to 2-foot). There is a selection of orchestral-type reeds, too. All of the doubles are extended to 4-foot pitch, although independent 4-foot registers are also provided.
117 Double Diapason 16 15"extended
131 Contra Gamba 16 15"extended
118 Diapason I 8 15"
119 Diapason II 8 15"
120 Waldhorn 8 15"
124 Tibia Plena 8 15"
125 Hohl Flute 8 15"
127 Harmonic Flute 8 15"
312 Harmonic Flute Celeste 8 15"
126 Gross Gedeckt 8 15"
135 Gamba 8 15"
136 Gamba Celeste 8 15"
132 Violin 8 15"
133 Viol Celestes I (2 ranks) 8 15"
134 Viol Celestes II (2 ranks) 8 15"
128 Ocarina 4 15"
121 Octave I 4 15"
117 Octave II 4 15"ext. Double Diapason
129 Traverse Flute 4 15"
313 Silver Flute 4 15"
137 Gambette 4 15"
131 Salicet 4 15"ext. Contra Gamba
122 Fifteenth 2 15"
130 Orchestral Piccolo 2 15"
317 Cymbal 12–26 VIII 15"
123 Furniture 15–29 V 15"
146 Plein Jeu 15–36 VII 15"
138 Double Trumpet 16 30"extended
142 Double Horn 16 15"extended
139 Harmonic Trumpet 8 30"
140 Field Trumpet 8 30"
143 Posaune 8 15"
144 Cornopean 8 15"
314 Muted Trumpet 8 15"
145 Flugel Horn 8 15"
315 Krummhorn 8 15"
316 Vox Humana 8 15"
141 Trumpet Clarion 4 30"
138 Trumpet Clarion 4 30"ext. Double Trumpet
142 Octave Horn 4 15"ext. Double Horn
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Choir to Swell 16
Choir to Swell 8
Choir to Swell 4
Solo to Swell 16
Solo to Swell 8
Solo to Swell 4
Fanfare to Swell 8
Fanfare to Swell 4
Echo to Swell 16
Echo to Swell 8
Echo to Swell 4
Gallery I to Swell
Gallery II to Swell
Gallery III to Swell
Gallery IV to Swell
Brass Chorus to Swell
String I to Swell
String II to Swell
String III to Swell

SWELL-CHOIR - Manual 3
147 Gross Gedeckt 16 15"ext. Gross Gedeckt
311 Stopped Diapason 16 10"ext. Stopped Diapason
148 Cone Gamba 16 15"ext. Cone Gamba
152 Gemshorn 8 15"extended
153 Gemshorn Celeste I 8 15"extended
154 Gemshorn Celeste II 8 15"extended
149 Clarabella 8 15"extended
150 Doppel Spitz Flute 8 10"extended
147 Doppel Gedeckt 8 15"extended
311 Stopped Diapason 8 10"extended
148 Cone Gamba 8 15"extended
155 Third 62/5 10"extended
156 Fifth 51/3 10"extended
153 Gemshorn Quint 51/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste I
148 Gamba Quint 51/3 15"ext. Cone Gamba
157 Seventh 44/7 10"extended
152 Octave Gemshorn 4 15"ext. Gemshorn
149 Claribel Flute 4 15"ext. Clarabella
150 Spitz Flute 4 10"ext. Doppel Spitz Flute
147 Doppel Flute 4 15"ext. Doppel Gedeckt
311 Stopped Flute 4 10"ext. Stopped Diapason
151 Zauber Flute 4 15"extended
148 Cone Flute 4 15"ext. Cone Gamba
158 Ninth 35/9 10"extended
155 Major Tenth 31/5 10"ext. Third
154 Gemshorn Tenth 31/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste II
159 Eleventh 210/11 10"extended
153 Gemshorn Twelfth 22/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste I
156 Twelfth 22/3 10"ext. Fifth
149 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"ext. Clarabella
311 Stopped Flute Twelfth 22/3 10"ext. Stopped Diapason
157 Octave Septieme 22/7 10"ext. Seventh
152 Gemshorn Fifteenth 2 15"ext. Gemshorn
147 Gedeckt Fifteenth 2 15"ext. Doppel Gedeckt
151 Magic Flute 2 15"ext. Zauber Flute
158 Sixteenth 17/9 10"ext. Ninth
155 Major Seventeenth 13/5 10"ext. Third
154 Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste II
159 Eighteenth 15/11 10"ext. Eleventh
156 Major Nineteenth 11/3 10"ext. Fifth
153 Gemshorn Nineteenth 11/3 15"ext. Gemshorn Celeste I
157 Twenty-First 11/7 10"ext. Seventh
152 Twenty-Second 1 15"ext. Gemshorn
151 Zauber Twenty-Second 1 15"ext. Zauber Flute
158 Twenty-Third 8/9 10"ext. Ninth
155 Twenty-Fourth 4/5 10"ext. Third
159 Twenty-Fifth 8/11 10"ext. Eleventh
156 Twenty-Sixth 2/3 10"ext. Fifth
152 Twenty-Ninth 1/2 15"ext. Gemshorn
156 Thirty-Third 1/3 10"ext. Fifth
152 Thirty-Sixth 1/4 15"ext. Gemshorn
19 Fagotto 32 20"from Fagotto, Pedal Left
160 Contra Oboe 16 15"ext. Oboe
161 Bass Clarinet 16 15"ext. Clarinet
162 Bass Vox Humana 16 15"ext. Vox Humana
160 Oboe 8 15"extended
161 Clarinet 8 15"extended
162 Vox Humana 8 15"extended
160 Octave Oboe 4 15"ext. Oboe
161 Octave Clarinet 4 15"ext. Clarinet
162 Vox Humana 4 15"ext. Vox Humana
163 Marimba Harp Repeat 8 from Marimba Harp
163 Marimba Harp Stroke 8 from Marimba Harp
163 Marimba Harp Repeat 4 from Marimba Harp
163 Marimba Harp Stroke 4 from Marimba Harp
164 Glockenspiel Repeat 4 from Glockenspiel
164 Glockenspiel Single 4 from Glockenspiel
164 Glockenspiel Single 2 from Glockenspiel
SOLO - Manual 4
This Bombard-type department includes big-scaled flutes, broad-toned strings, and powerful reeds. The nine-rank mixture - on 30 inches of wind - is a complete diapason chorus in itself. The biggest stops (on 100 inches and 50 inches) provide an awsome volume of reed tone that's full of weight, clang, and dignity.
59 Major Flute 1630"ext. Major Flute
59 Flute Quint 102/330"ext. Major Flute
71 Stentor Diapason 830"
79 Diapason 830"8' rank from Grand Chorus
60 Tibia Rex 830"
59 Major Flute 830"extended
61 Hohl Flute 820"
62 Flute Overte 820"
66 Cello Pomposa 820"
67 Cello Celeste 820"
68 Violin 820"
69 Violin Celeste 820"
59 Flute Quint 51/330"ext. Major Flute
72 Stentor Octave 430"
79 Octave 430"4' rank from Grand Chorus
59 Major Flute 430"ext. Major Flute
63 Wald Flute 430"
70 Viola Pomposa 420"
65 Harmonic Piccolo 220"
79 Grand Chorus 1–29 IX30"
80 Carillon 17–24 IV30"
73 Tuba Magna 1650"ext. Tuba Magna
74 Trumpet Profunda 1630"ext. Trumpet Profunda
74 Trumpet Quint 102/330"ext. Trumpet Profunda
75 Tuba Imperial 8100"
73 Tuba Magna 850"extended
78 Bugle 850"
76 Trumpet Royal 830"
74 Trumpet Profunda 830"extended
77 English Horn 830"
104 French Horn 830"
73 Magna Fifth 51/350"ext. Tuba Magna
73 Tuba Clarion 450"ext. Tuba Magna
74 Trumpet Clarion 430"ext. Trumpet Profunda
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Choir to Solo 8
Great to Solo 8
Fanfare to Solo 8
Fanfare to Solo 4
Echo to Solo 8
Gallery I to Solo
Gallery II to Solo
Gallery III to Solo
Gallery IV to Solo
Brass Chorus to Solo
String I to Solo
String II to Solo
String III to Solo

SOLO-GREAT - Manual 4
82 Geigen Principal 16 15"from Great-Solo
81 Wald Flute 16 15"from Great-Solo
83 Tibia Clausa 16 15"from Great-Solo
81 Wald Quint 102/3 15"from Great-Solo
83 Tibia Quint 102/3 15"from Great-Solo
84 Diapason Phonon 8 15"from Great-Solo
85 Horn Diapason 8 15"from Great-Solo
82 Geigen Principal 8 15"from Great-Solo
87 Gemshorn 8 15"from Great-Solo
88 Gemshorn Celeste 8 15"from Great-Solo
81 Wald Flute 8 15"from Great-Solo
86 Doppel Gedeckt 8 15"from Great-Solo
83 Tibia Clausa 8 15"from Great-Solo
89 Viola d'Gamba 8 15"from Great-Solo
90 Vox Celeste 8 15"from Great-Solo
91 Gemshorn Terz 62/5 15"from Great-Solo
92 Gemshorn Quint 51/3 15"from Great-Solo
81 Wald Quint 51/3 15"from Great-Solo
93 Gemshorn Septieme 44/7 15"from Great-Solo
84 Octave Phonon 4 15"from Great-Solo
85 Octave 4 15"from Great-Solo
82 Geigen Principal 4 15"from Great-Solo
87 Gemshorn 4 15"from Great-Solo
88 Gemshorn Celeste 4 15"from Great-Solo
81 Wald Flute 4 15"from Great-Solo
86 Doppel Gedeckt 4 15"from Great-Solo
83 Tibia Clausa 4 15"from Great-Solo
89 Viola d'Gamba 4 15"from Great-Solo
90 Vox Celeste 4 15"from Great-Solo
88 Gemshorn Tenth 31/5 15"from Great-Solo
91 Tenth 31/5 15"from Great-Solo
92 Twelfth 22/3 15"from Great-Solo
81 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"from Great-Solo
83 Minor Twelfth 22/3 15"from Great-Solo
93 Octave Septieme 22/7 15"from Great-Solo
85 Fifteenth 2 15"from Great-Solo
82 Geigen Fifteenth 2 15"from Great-Solo
87 Gemshorn Fifteenth 2 15"from Great-Solo
81 Piccolo 2 15"from Great-Solo
88 Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5 15"from Great-Solo
91 Seventeenth 13/5 15"from Great-Solo
92 Nineteenth 11/3 15"from Great-Solo
93 Twenty-First 11/7 15"from Great-Solo
87 Gemshorn 1 15"from Great-Solo
91 Twenty-Fourth 4/5 15"from Great-Solo
92 Twenty-Sixth 2/3 15"from Great-Solo
87 Twenty-Ninth 1/2 15"from Great-Solo
87 Thirty-Sixth 1/4 15"from Great-Solo
96 Saxophone 16 15"from Great-Solo
98 French Horn 16 15"from Great-Solo
97 English Horn 16 15"from Great-Solo
95 Oboe Horn 16 15"from Great-Solo
100 Krummhorn 16 15"from Great-Solo
99 Vox Baryton 16 15"from Great-Solo
102 Orchestral Saxophone 8 15"from Great-Solo
96 Saxophone 8 15"from Great-Solo
101 Clarinet 8 15"from Great-Solo
98 French Horn 8 15"from Great-Solo
97 English Horn 8 15"from Great-Solo
95 Oboe Horn 8 15"from Great-Solo
103 Orchestral Oboe 8 15"from Great-Solo
100 Krummhorn 8 15"from Great-Solo
105 Vox Humana 8 15"from Great-Solo
99 Vox Humana 8 15"from Great-Solo
106 Kinura 8 15"from Great-Solo
96 Saxophone 4 15"from Great-Solo
98 French Horn 4 15"from Great-Solo
97 English Horn 4 15"from Great-Solo
95 Octave Horn 4 15"from Great-Solo
100 Krummhorn 4 15"from Great-Solo
105 Vox Humana 4 15"from Great-Solo
64 Flute Twelfth 22/3 15"from Great-Solo
108 Chimes 8 from Great-Solo
107 Harp 8 from Great-Solo
107 Harp 4 from Great-Solo
94 Xylophone 4 from Great-Solo
94 Xylophone 2 from Great-Solo
FANFARE - Manual 5
197 Major Flute 1620"extended
212 Stentor Diapason 835"8' rank from Stentor Mixture
199 Stentorphone 820"
198 Stentor Flute 835"
200 Pileata Magna 820"
304 Gamba Tuba 820"
305 Gamba Tuba Celeste 820"
212 Stentor Octave 435"4' rank from Stentor Mixture
197 Major Flute 420"ext. Major Flute
201 Flute Octaviante 420"
306 Gamba Clarion 420"
203 Recorder 22/320"
202 Fife 220"
212 Stentor Mixture 1–22 VII35"
307 Harmonic Mixture 17–29 VI20"
204 Cymbale 19–33 V20"
205 Contra Posaune 1650"ext. Posaune
206 Contra Bombardon 1635"ext. Bombardon
299 Contra Trombone 1635"ext. Trombone
209 Tromba Quint 102/320"extended
207 Harmonic Tuba 850"extended
207 Tuba Melody What's this? 450"from Harmonic Tuba
208 Ophicleide 850"
205 Posaune 850"extended
206 Bombardon 835"extended
299 Trombone 835"extended
209 Tromba 820"ext. Tromba Quint
210 Tromba Tierce 62/520"
299 Trombone Fifth 51/335"ext. Trombone
209 Tromba Fifth 51/320"ext. Tromba Quint
211 Major Clarion 450"
207 Harmonic Clarion 450"ext. Harmonic Tuba
205 Octave Posaune 450"ext. Posaune
206 Bombardon 435"ext. Bombardon
299 Trombone Clarion 435"ext. Trombone
210 Tromba Tierce 31/520"ext. Tromba Tierce
209 Tromba Twelfth 22/320"ext. Tromba Quint
206 Bombardon 235"ext. Bombardon
Choir to Fanfare 16
Choir to Fanfare 8
Choir to Fanfare 4
Great to Fanfare 8
Swell to Fanfare 16
Swell to Fanfare 8
Swell to Fanfare 4
Solo to Fanfare 8
Echo to Fanfare 8
Gallery I to Fanfare
Gallery II to Fanfare
Gallery III to Fanfare
Gallery IV to Fanfare
String I to Fanfare
String II to Fanfare
String III to Fanfare
ECHO - Manual 6
214 Spire Flute 1615"ext. Spire Flute
298 Contra Violone 1625"ext. Violone
213 Contra Gamba 1615"ext. Gamba
215 Diapason 815"
219 Waldhorn 815"
220 Clarabella 815"extended
214 Spire Flute 815"extended
216 Spitz Flute 815"
217 Spitz Flute Celeste I 815"
218 Spitz Flute Celeste II 815"extended
222 Flute Sylvestre 815"
223 Flute Celeste 815"
221 Tibia Mollis 815"
298 Violone 825"extended
319 Violone Celeste 825"
213 Gamba 815"extended
220 Open Flute 415"ext. Clarabella
224 Rohr Flute 415"
214 Spire Flute 415"ext. Spire Flute
298 Violone 425"ext. Violone
213 Gamba 415"ext. Gamba
218 Spitz Tenth 31/515"ext. Spitz Flute Celeste II
220 Open Flute 22/315"ext. Clarabella
214 Spire Flute 22/315"ext. Spire Flute
220 Flute Fifteenth 215"ext. Clarabella
214 Spire Flute 215"ext. Spire Flute
218 Spitz Seventeenth 13/515"ext. Spitz Flute Celeste II
214 Spire Flute 11/315"ext. Spire Flute
214 Spire Flute 115"ext. Spire Flute
225 Mixture Aetheria 15–29 VI15"
231 Tuba d'Amour 1625"ext. Tuba d'Amour
226 Contra Bassoon 1615"ext. Bassoon
227 Chalumeau 1615"ext. Clarinet
230 Vox Humana 1615"ext. Vox Humana II
231 Tuba d'Amour 825"extended
228 Trumpet Minor 815"
229 Cor d'Amour 815"
226 Bassoon 815"extended
227 Clarinet 815"extended
303 Vox Humana I 815"
230 Vox Humana II 815"extended
231 Tuba d'Amour 425"ext. Tuba d'Amour
226 Octave Bassoon 415"ext. Bassoon
227 Octave Clarinet 415"ext. Clarinet
230 Vox Humana 415"ext. Vox Humana II
232 Chimes 8
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Choir to Echo 8
Great to Echo 8
Solo to Echo 8
Fanfare to Echo 8
Gallery I to Echo
Gallery II to Echo
Gallery III to Echo
Gallery IV to Echo
String I to Echo
String II to Echo
String III to Echo
BOMBARD - Manual 7
Gallery I to Bombard
Gallery II to Bombard
Gallery III to Bombard
Gallery IV to Bombard
GALLERY I - Floating
233 Contra Diaphone 16 25"extended
233 Diaphone 8 25"ext. Contra Diaphone
318 Diapason 8 25"8' rank from Mixture Mirabilis
318 Octave 4 25"4' rank from Mixture Mirabilis
318 Mixture Mirabilis 1–22 VII25"
235 Trumpet Mirabilis 16 100"extended
235 Trumpet Melody What's this? 16 100"from Trumpet Mirabilis
234 Tuba Maxima 8 100"extended
235 Trumpet Imperial 8 100"ext. Trumpet Mirabilis
234 Clarion Mirabilis 4 100"ext. Tuba Maxima
234 Clarion Melody What's this? 4 100"from Clarion Mirabilis
235 Clarion Real 4 100"ext. Trumpet Mirabilis

GALLERY II - Floating
242 Flauto Maggiore 16 25"extended
243 Jubal Flute 8 25"
243 Flute Melody What's this? 4 25"from Jubal Flute
244 Harmonic Flute 8 25"
245 Harmonic Flute 4 25"
242 Flute Melodic 4 25"ext. Flauto Maggiore
246 Harmonic Twelfth 22/3 25"
247 Harmonic Piccolo 2 25"
248 Harmonic Mixture 17–22 III 25"
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4

GALLERY III - Floating
236 Contra Diapason 16 20"extended
237 Diapason I 8 20"
238 Diapason II 8 20"
239 Octave I 4 20"
236 Octave II 4 20"ext. Contra Diapason
240 Fifftenth 2 20"
241 Mixture 12–22 IV 20"
A Grand Piano 16 from Percussion
A Grand Piano 8 from Percussion
A Grand Piano 4 from Percussion

GALLERY IV - Floating
249 Contra Saxophone 16 25"ext. Saxophone
300 Brass Trumpet 8 25"
302 Egyptian Horn 8 25"
301 Euphone 8 25"
253 Major Clarinet 8 25"
250 Major Oboe 8 25"
251 Musette Mirabilis 8 25"
252 Cor d'Orchestre 8 25"
249 Saxophone 8 25"extended
249 Octave Saxophone 4 25"ext. Saxophone
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
109 Trombone 16 25"
110 Trombone I 8 25"
111 Trombone II 8 25"
112 Tromba Quint 51/3 20"
113 Trombone 4 25"
114 Tromba Twelfth 22/3 20"
115 Trombone 2 25"
116 Tierce Mixture 10–22 III 20"
STRING I - Floating
254 Contra Basso 16 25"extended
255 Cello 8 25"
256 Cello Celestes I (2 ranks) 8 25"
257 Cello Celestes II (2 ranks) 8 25"
258 Violins I (2 ranks) 8 25"
259 Violins II (2 ranks) 8 25"
260 Violins III (2 ranks) 8 25"
261 Violins IV (2 ranks) 8 25"
262 Violins Secundo I (2 ranks) 8 25"
263 Violins Secundo II (2 ranks) 8 25"
254 Octave Viola 4 25"ext. Contra Basso
264 Violins Secundo (2 ranks) 4 25"
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Melody What's this? 16
Melody What's this? 4
Pizzicato What's this?
Separation What's this?

STRING II - Floating
265 Double Bass 16 15"extended
266 Contra Bass 16 15"extended
267 Contra Viol 16 15"extended
268 Viola Diapason 8 15"
269 Violincello 8 15"
270 Cello Phonon 8 15"
271 Cello 8 15"
272 Cello Celestes (2 ranks) 8 15"
273 Viola Phonon 8 15"
274 Viola Celestes (2 ranks) 8 15"
275 Viol Phonon 8 15"
276 Viol 8 15"
277 Viol Celestes I (2 ranks) 8 15"
278 Viol Celestes II (2 ranks) 8 15"
279 Viol Celestes III (2 ranks) 8 15"
280 Viol Celestes IV (2 ranks) 8 15"
281 Viol Celestes V (2 ranks) 8 15"
287 Flute Quint 51/3 15"ext. Stopped Flute
284 Viol Principal 4 15"
265 Octave Cello I 4 15"ext. Double Bass
266 Octave Cello II 4 15"ext. Contra Bass
267 Octave Violin 4 15"ext. Contra Viol
282 Violins (2 ranks) 4 15"
283 Violas (2 ranks) 4 15"
287 Stopped Flute 4 15"extended
288 Flute Twelfth2 2/3 15"
287 Piccolo 2 15"ext. Stopped Flute
285 String Mixture 10–22 V 15"
286 Tromba d'Amour 8 15"
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
Melody What's this? 16
Melody What's this? 4
Pizzicato What's this?
Separation What's this?

STRING III - Floating
289 Cello Celestes I (2 ranks) 8 15"
290 Cello Celestes II (2 ranks) 8 15"
291 Viola Celestes (2 ranks) 8 15"
292 Viol Celestes I (2 ranks) 8 15"
293 Viol Celestes II (2 ranks) 8 15"
294 Viol Celestes III (2 ranks) 8 15"
295 Viol Celestes IV (2 ranks) 8 15"
296 Viol Celestes V (2 ranks) 8 15"
297 Cor Anglais 8 15"
Sub Octave 16
Octave 4
A Grand Piano 16 from Percussion
A Grand Piano 8 from Percussion
A Grand Piano 4 from Percussion
Unenclosed ChoirChoirChoir Philomela
Great-Solo FluesGreat-Solo Tibia ClausaGreat-Solo Reeds
SwellSwell-ChoirSwell-Choir Vox Humana
Solo 20"FanfareFanfare Pileata Magna
EchoGallery IVString I
String IIString IIIMaster
In addition to the above registers, there are 120 selectives for switching
the swell boxes onto the swell pedals. This brings the total
number of stop-keys on the console to 1,235.
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