The Historic Organ Restoration Committee, Inc. (HORC) has approved contracts for several major portions of the Ballroom Kimball pipe organ restoration. A new solid-state relay system has been ordered and delivery is expected soon. The console will be lifted out of its balcony position and sent out to be professionally restored. It is possible that by this time next year the Kimball will once again be in full playing condition.
The Midmer-Losh organ is receiving a great deal of attention. The Right Stage chamber is operational but not fully playable yet. It has been determined that a number of small solenoid valves that control airflow to individual pipes need replacement and the cost for these parts is being determined. Six of the seven blowers are now back in operation. The seventh is pending repair work on the blower motor.
The condition of the Midmer-Losh wind chests is being investigated. Chests in various parts of the organ are being opened up and inspected to determine how much of the organ was rebuilt in the past, and to see how much of the organ retains its original leather. Procedures are being developed for their restoration that will include some challenging rigging operations to get the chests in and out of the chambers. The first division of the organ to be rebuilt will probably be the Swell and Swell-Choir.
The organ shop is gradually being put back into full operation with the replacement of tools and machinery needed for the numerous restoration tasks. It is changing from a room full of unrelated materials accumulated over the years to a space focused on the restoration work.
Monthly Docent tours of both organs are now available. Email: for information and details.
Press Release -- February 28, 2008
A set of four spectacular navigable panoramic images of the Boardwalk Hall organs and their respective acoustic spaces has been added to the Gallery section of our website.
Press Release -- June 11, 2007
The Historic Organ Restoration Committee, Inc has announced the appointment of Carl Loeser, a New Jersey native from Plainfield, as the new Curator of the pipe organs in Boardwalk Hall (The Atlantic City Convention Hall) in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He brings a variety of expertise to the position, having worked in the pipe organ field for 30 years. His responsibilities will be to oversee the restoration of the 7-manual, 449-rank Midmer-Losh pipe organ in the main auditorium, along with the 4-manual, 55-rank Kimball pipe organ in the Ballroom.
Press Release -- December 14, 2006
A “Save America's Treasures” Grant of $100,000 Has Been Awarded to the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority to Support Restoration of the Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ in Boardwalk Hall
The historically significant Midmer-Losh pipe organ in Atlantic City's Boardwalk Hall (formerly Convention Hall) under the auspices of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, has received one of the nation's most prestigious awards. A "Save America's Treasures" grant of $100,000 has been awarded in recognition of the world's largest pipe organ and the present ongoing mission to restore it to its former glory.
DVD Video
A new DVD video is now available. It details the history of the Midmer-Losh organ and has a variety of special features, plus interviews with former hall organists and others, including remarkable new videos taken inside the Stage Chambers. A collage of the historic Fred Hess & Son photographs is set to music. Here are the Sights, Sounds and Stories about the World's Largest Musical Instrument.
View trailer: QuickTime | RealVideo
The DVD is available online in the Store section on this website or it may be ordered directly from the Organ Historical Society.
Historic Citations
On October 26, 2004, the Organ Historical Society presented two Historic Citations, one for each pipe organ in Boardwalk Hall during a formal ceremony held on the stage in the Main Auditorium. Members of ACCHOS and the Historic Organ Restoration Committee were present and the general public was also invited. The event was videotaped and portions appear on the new ACCHOS DVD.
The Historic Organ Restoration Committee, Inc.
The Historic Organ Restoration Committee, Inc. has been established in New Jersey as a non-profit organization to oversee the funding and restoration of the pipe organs in Boardwalk Hall. The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority has established a special account with $1.17 million available to begin the process. "The Board of Directors of ACCHOS have recommended dividing the initial funds between full restoration of the Ballroom Kimball and returning the Right Stage Chamber of the Midmer-Losh to the playable condition existing in 1998 prior to hall renovation."
New Musical Selections Added To Website
Several new music clips have been added to the Gallery section of the website, including a rare practice session with Barbara Fesmire and Lowell Ayers. Barbara Fesmire was the resident organist at Boardwalk Hall in the 70s. There is also a video clip of Timothy Hoag playing the Midmer-Losh organ.
Rave Reviews For The New CD Recording of Boardwalk Pipes and Bach On The Biggest
The recent digital transfer to CD of Robert Elmore's 1956 recordings on Mercury Records is being very well received. Both Theatre Organ and The American Organist magazines gave full-page reviews of these historic recordings.
New Book
Stephen Smith's book, ATLANTIC CITY'S MUSICAL MASTERPIECE, about the Midmer-Losh organ in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Convention Hall is now in print. After 20 years of research, he provides an astonishing and comprehensive guide to the world's largest pipe organ. There are over 300 photographs, diagrams, and tables including a master stop list, along with biographies of more than three dozen individuals.
The previously published book of photographs, THE ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION HALL ORGAN A Pictorial Essay about the World's Largest Pipe Organ, is also available and contains 94 8"x10" black and white photographs taken during the construction of the organ from 1929 to 1932.
Also available is the 1998 demonstration CD recording THE AUDITORIUM ORGAN at $15.
Please go to the Store on this website for detailed information and to order these items.
The Atlantic City Convention Hall Gets a New Name
Known as the Atlantic City Convention Hall since its construction in 1926, this venerable building is now officially called BOARDWALK HALL although the organs still bear plates saying "Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ".

Back issues of the Grand Ophicleide are available here as PDF files (Free Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
Issue 1 - Fall 1998
Issue 4 - Summer 1999
Issue 5 - Fall 1999
Issue 6 - Winter 1999-2000
Issue 7 - Spring 2000
Issue 8 - Summer 2000
Issue 9 - Fall 2000
Issue 10 - Winter 2000/2001
Issue 11 - Spring 2001
Issue 12 - Summer 2001
Issue 13 - Fall 2001
Issue 14 - Winter 2001/2002
Issue 15 - Spring 2002
Issue 16 - Summer 2002
Issue 17 - Fall 2002
Issue 18 - Winter 2002/2003
Issue 19 - Spring 2003
Issue 20 - Summer 2003
Issue 21 - Fall 2003
Issue 22 - Winter 2003/2004
Issue 23 - Spring 2004
Issue 24 - Summer 2004
Issue 25 - Fall 2004
Issue 26 - Winter 2005
Issue 27 - Spring 2005